Coach Josh Walters
Coaching Experience:
Girls Head Coach at Trinity Collegiate School, SC – Footskills Coach, Hudson Youth Soccer Association, OH – Head Coach, U 13 Boys, Oregon United Soccer Academy, OR – Practice Coach/Trainer, Eugene Metro Futbol Club, OR – Head Coach, NEO United, OH – Head Coach, Everest Premier Soccer Club, North FC Head Coach.
- Coaching License(s): National D License
- Years of Coaching Experience: 21
Playing Experience:
Club soccer with Emerald Soccer Club and Ohio Premier. ODP Regional team 4 years in a row. Traveled to Germany and Austria to play with regional team. Went to National Team tryouts twice in Boca Raton, FL. Trained with US U18 National Team senior year in HS at the Olympic Training Center in San Diego, CA. Played Division I soccer at the University of Akron, OH, and Division II soccer at Francis Marion University, SC.